
Book Publishing form

NOTE: Please take your time to complete this form with accurate spellings and grammar. While we’ll ensure there are no errors, any misspellings may affect your publishing page.

This form is crafted to better understand your book and ensure the best possible publication outcome. Feel free to skip any entry if you’re unsure of the answer.

    Book Title:

    Book Subtitle: (if you have any)

    Author Name:

    Book Description: (this will be used on your publishing page)

    Possible Competitors:

    (You can share their Amazon links or attach their images)

    NOTE: You don’t need to be precise with keywords and categories, you can provide your best guess and we will do our work from there.

    KDP Amazon:
    Read More

    Read More

    Read More


    What is an ISBN?
    What is an Imprint?

    Note: Choosing the third option means partnering with Hmdpublishing, which will give your KDP page a professional look.

    Please share an ISBN for each format and Imprint





    Please upload the files here, please make sure your files are print compatible

    If you have any questions or encounter difficulties, feel free to visit our FAQ’s section or reach out for assistance. Thank you for your cooperation.

    Discuss your project with us

    Have questions or ideas about our project? We’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re curious about our process, have suggestions for improvement, or just want to chat about what we’re working on, we’re all ears. Get in touch with us and let’s start the conversation!”

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