
From Manuscript to Masterpiece: Unleash Your Book’s Journey with Expert Publishing Services

We’ll help you publish your book professionally. You keep 100% of your royalties and all rights.

At HMDPUBLISHING, we take pride in delivering a personalized and tailored experience to our valued authors. Our commitment to excellence ensures that the books we produce stand shoulder to shoulder with those crafted by the most renowned publishing houses, setting them far apart from the generic, self-published titles often generated through automated online services.

Steps for Successful Book Publishing

Book Formatting for print and ebook ​

We meticulously format your manuscript for both print and ebook formats, ensuring it meets industry standards and is ready for publication across various platforms.

Book Cover Design for print and ebook:

Our expert designers craft eye-catching covers for your book, optimized for both print and digital formats, to capture the attention of readers and enhance its marketability.

Our comprehensive publishing services cover various aspects, including:

3a. Keywords and Categories:

We assist in selecting relevant keywords and categories to optimize your book’s discoverability and visibility in online marketplaces.

3b. Acquiring ISBN Numbers:

We help secure unique ISBN numbers for your book, essential for identification and distribution purposes.

3c. Setting up the book on all major platforms:

We take charge of the book publishing process, ensuring your book is available on key platforms to reach a diverse audience of readers. To maximize visibility, we recommend the following platforms:

3d. A+ Content:

We enhance your book’s listing page on KDP to maximize its appeal and conversion rate, driving sales and boosting its performance in the market.

How Print on Demand works

Readers order your book

If sold through a retailerb(Amazon, B&N, etc.), they will take a 30% to 55% cut

The POD service prints your book

Copies are only printed after they have been ordered

Copies are shipped to customers or retailers

You'll receive your royalties minus printing cost.

Popup Example

Our Process

Book Editing

Book Design

Accounts Creation

Competitor Analysis

Publishing setup

Book distribution

Book Publishing Packages

Basic Publishing Package

Premium Publishing Package

Popup Example

Request for a custom quote.

Book Publishing

We can help you to publish on KDP Amazon, Ingramspark (IS), and Smashwords. Ingramspark and Smashwords will eventually make your book available worldwide. 

We always do depth research for keywords and categories to ensure your book is listed in the proper categories. It helps you to boost your ranking on amazon. 

We need around 10-15 days to publish your book; however, it depends on which package you select. 

We need around 10-15 days to publish your book; however, it depends on which package you select. 

Yes, we provide ISBN to all of our publishing clients.

The author always holds all the copyright, and we charge a fixed fee for setting up everything. 

That’s a pervasive problem with most of the authors online, and we can undoubtedly help look into the issue and advise a solution from there. 

Yes, we also help with book marketing; please get in touch, and we will advise a roadmap.

Yes, we offer one month of free support, which means we will answer all your queries and support you with every step of your journey. 

Our Other Services

To date, we have proudly collaborated with over 5000 authors, spanning the globe, by providing a comprehensive system that empowers writers to develop their works with confidence and optimize their impact. Embark on your self-publishing journey with us today, and allow our expertise to support and enhance your literary aspirations.

Discuss your project with us

Have questions or ideas about our project? We’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re curious about our process, have suggestions for improvement, or just want to chat about what we’re working on, we’re all ears. Get in touch with us and let’s start the conversation!”

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